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Spectrum Therapeutic Solutions is Committed to Advancing Mental Health

Jan 14

Spectrum Therapeutic Solutions is Committed to Advancing Mental Health

Located in Dartmouth, Spectrum Therapeutic Solutions In Dartmouth is committed to advancing mental health support through collaboration and innovation. Their skilled team of therapists uses a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches to help individuals navigate and cope with challenging life circumstances.

Unlike most other immune therapeutics that target conserved surface structures, Alopexx’s immunotherapy targets the remarkably widespread microbial glycolipid poly N-acetyl glucosamine (PNAG). This molecule is present on all types of microbes with a remarkable degree of conservation.

ADHD Therapy Services

Several psychosocial interventions have been shown to help people with ADHD cope with the emotional impact of the disorder. These include traditional talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to help individuals learn to change negative self-beliefs and build a more positive sense of self.

Occupational therapy can help people with ADHD develop the skills they need to successfully navigate their environment. This may involve learning stress management techniques, monitoring sensory hyper-reactivity, and implementing time management strategies. It can also help people with ADHD develop a more structured life, which can improve daily functioning and reduce the severity of their symptoms.

Marital counseling and family therapy can teach loved ones how to support a person with ADHD, and provide them with tools to help them manage their own frustrations, which can often result from living with someone with this condition. Additionally, a person with ADHD can benefit from participating in group therapy where they can interact with others on the same journey.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy practitioners are skilled in understanding the complex interplay between client variables, activity demands and the physical and social environment. Their goal is to promote independence and enable people with mental health issues to participate in their daily occupations (work, leisure, self-care and family).

Unlike a physical therapist who works on your movement, an occupational therapist looks at the relationships between your activities – your occupations – and your challenges and how they affect your life. This means they will see beyond your diagnosis and limitations to focus on your hopes, aspirations and goals.

For example, an OT can work with individuals with visual impairments to rebuild their morning routine so they can take regular walks and cook meals again. This can help them gain confidence and regain control of their lives. OTs are also concerned with the injustices of occupational deprivation and marginalization that occur in the workplace, community and home. They aim to address these issues by recommending removal of environmental barriers and designing programs that facilitate occupational engagement.

EMDR Therapy Services

EMDR is best known for its success in treating trauma, but research shows that it can also help with anxiety, some mood disorders and certain phobias. It can be used for people of all ages, including children.

During an EMDR session, the therapist will ask for information about past traumas and current triggers and conduct an assessment to identify the areas of the body that are holding tension. This includes physical sensations, thoughts and feelings.

The therapist will then begin the process of EMDR processing by using sets of bilateral stimulation. This can involve side-to-side eye movements, sounds or tapping on the hands or body. This allows your brain to reprocess the memory and alleviate negative emotions.

The therapist will then work with you to replace negative beliefs surrounding the trauma with healthier, more positive ones and complete the session by scanning your body for residual physical tension. This is a powerful, effective and efficient therapy technique for helping you heal from past traumas.