What Are Developmental Disabilities?
Developmental disabilities are a group of conditions that affect the development of cognitive, physical and behavioral skills. They can occur at any time during childhood and into adulthood. Developmental disabilities can be caused by genetics, brain injury, prenatal exposure to alcohol or drugs or environmental factors like toxins in the home or workplace.
Developmental disabilities can be intellectual, physical, or both. They're caused by a genetic or environmental condition that affects a child's nervous system.
Developmental disabilities are a group of health conditions that occur before age 22 and affect a child's ability to learn, grow, socialize, or work. Developmental disabilities can be intellectual (learning and thinking), physical (mobility and coordination), or both. They're caused by a genetic or environmental condition that affects the nervous system.
At least one in every six Americans has some type of developmental disability.
Intellectual disabilities are the most common and simplest form of developmental disability. The underlying cause isn't always known.
Intellectual disabilities are the most common and simplest form of developmental disability. The underlying cause isn't always known. The most common types of intellectual disabilities include Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, which both affect around 1 in every 691 births to some extent.
Down syndrome is caused by a genetic abnormality that causes an extra chromosome on chromosome 21, while Fragile X syndrome is associated with a genetic mutation on the X chromosome (the one that determines whether you're male or female). Both conditions can result in mild to moderate learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities, among other symptoms like heart defects and digestive problems.
Physical disabilities that affect development can be genetic or due to exposure to toxins or infection before birth.
You may have heard of childhood diseases like Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism. These are all developmental disabilities. Developmental disabilities are physical or mental impairments that happen before birth, during birth or within the first few years of life. They can cause problems with learning, thinking and reasoning (cognition), communication and social skills.
Many physical disabilities that affect development can be genetic or due to exposure to toxins or infection before birth. Some causes may not be known at birth but might become clear later on as an illness affects your child's development in some way (such as when a child who has no apparent disability begins school).
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disability that typically appears during early childhood and can impact a person's social skills and communication.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disability that typically appears during early childhood and can impact a person's social skills and communication.
It is caused by an interaction between genetics and environmental factors, such as infections or lifestyle choices. Researchers are still trying to determine what causes autism, but there are some things we do know:
Autism has no cure at this time. However, treatment may help your child make progress toward their learning goals. If you suspect your child might have autism, see a doctor for an evaluation as soon as possible so he or she can get the best care available in order to prevent any further delays in development.* Autism has no cure at this time. However, treatment may help your child make progress toward their learning goals.* Treatment involves different methods of addressing specific symptoms depending on each individual case.* The most common treatments include speech therapy (speech), occupational therapy (occupational), ABA/IBI programming (ABA/IBI) and medication as needed based on each individual needs while they develop into adulthood.* One of the most important things parents need to remember when faced with helping children with disabilities like these is patience because they will eventually learn how it works around them within time if given enough encouragement from those around him/herself."
ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, but many children still go undiagnosed.
ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, but many children still go undiagnosed. The exact cause is unknown, but it's known that genetics play a large role in someone developing ADHD. In fact, if you have a family history of ADHD, your risk of getting it increases two to three times more than someone who doesn't have that family history.
There are multiple types of ADHD: predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type (predominantly inattentive type) and combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive type (combined). The symptoms for all three types include inattention or impulsivity with or without hyperactivity or restlessness.
Cerebral palsy is the term used to describe disorders in movement, posture, and muscle tone caused by damage to the brain before, during, or after birth.
Cerebral palsy is the term used to describe disorders in movement, posture, and muscle tone caused by damage to the brain before, during, or after birth. The condition can be mild or severe.
Symptoms vary depending on where the damage is located in your child's brain. Some children with cerebral palsy may have trouble with fine motor skills (such as holding a pencil) while others have difficulty walking or maintaining balance. The severity of symptoms also varies greatly from child to child.
Cerebral palsy can result from injury to any part of your child's developing brain before birth—including during pregnancy—or after birth; it might also occur because of missed steps in medical care or poor medical treatment that didn't heal correctly after a stroke or head injury occurred before birth. Cerebral palsy can also be caused by infection spread by an expectant mother who comes down with strep throat during her pregnancy (called group B Streptococcus).
Seizure disorders are abnormalities in the brain's electrical activity, which can cause convulsions, staring spells, loss of consciousness, muscle weakness or stiffness, uncontrolled eye movement, jerking movements of the arms and legs, emotional outbursts and mental changes as well as sensory disturbances such as vision changes, hallucinations or tingling sensations.
Seizure disorders are abnormalities in the brain's electrical activity, which can cause convulsions, staring spells, loss of consciousness, muscle weakness or stiffness, uncontrolled eye movement, jerking movements of the arms and legs, emotional outbursts and mental changes as well as sensory disturbances such as vision changes, hallucinations or tingling sensations. Seizures can be caused by a variety of factors including brain injury from trauma such as a car accident or severe head injury; infection such as meningitis; stroke; tumors on or near the brain; epilepsy (recurrent seizures that have no known cause); and some psychiatric disorders including bipolar disorder
Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is defined as a disturbance in the electrical communication among brain cells that results in an involuntary change in body movement or function or a change in behavior.
Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is defined as a disturbance in the electrical communication among brain cells that results in an involuntary change in body movement or function or a change in behavior.
Epilepsy can occur at any age, but most often it occurs during childhood and adolescence; however, some types of epilepsy may not be diagnosed until adulthood.
A person with epilepsy has more than one unprovoked seizure. Provoked seizures are caused by something like high fever or low blood glucose levels, which can be treated with medication and/or diet changes.
In most cases, a person's intellectual or physical disability will be the result of one or more other conditions. For example, cerebral palsy can be caused by premature birth and brain injury from lack of oxygen. Autism spectrum disorders are often associated with genetic factors that affect brain development. Epilepsy may result from genetic predisposition, head trauma or stroke (which damages areas in the brain that control movement).