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Children's Dental Care: North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry, Texas

Nov 15

It is essential to make sure that your little ones are getting the dental care they need. Pediatric Dentistry in North Richland Hills, Texas, has a team of skilled dentists who specialize in caring for children's teeth! We offer several different types of treatment options, including preventive care and therapeutic services. Contact Our Pediatric Dentistry in North Richland Hillstoday to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists!

Why is dental care necessary for children?

 In North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry focuses on the importance of children's dental care and healthy hygiene habits. Dental health is essential for a few reasons. Our Pediatric Dentistry will help you understand why it’s so vital to have your child see dentists as soon as possible after their first tooth even begins to appear! In addition to helping keep teeth clean and gums healthy throughout life, seeing our North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry can prevent other potential problems that may develop in both primary and permanent sets of chompers. For example, untreated cavities can lead to tooth abscesses. Our Pediatric Dentistry can help detect these problems early on and offer treatments that protect your child’s teeth for the future. Dental care is essential for children because their teeth will last them a long time.

What are some of the most common oral diseases in children?

Some of the most common oral diseases in children are tooth decay or cavities, gingivitis (gum disease), mouth ulcers/sores, tongue thrusting during sleep hours, causing teeth misalignment. Our Pediatric DentistryPediatric Dentist North Richland Hills is an experienced dental treatment specializing in helping young patients who may have difficulty understanding their needs due to their age and older patients who may require additional support due to illness/disability. Our Pediatric Dentistry is equipped with the technology and tools for providing high-quality care. They Follow up with all of their patients regularly to give feedback on any changes or discomfort to ensure that they are comfortable throughout treatment.

How do I know when my child needs to see a dentist?

North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry may recommend a visit when you notice any of the following warning signs: If your child has tooth pain, it's time to see the Pediatric Dentistry: If your toddler is pulling on their ears or drooling more than usual, it's time to visit North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry: Our Pediatric Dentistry has various methods of checking for cavities and other dental problems. We are here to help children in Texas live healthy lives by providing quality dental care that will last them their entire lifetime.

What can be done at home to keep your child's teeth healthy?

Brush your child's teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, beginning as soon as the first tooth appears. Floss daily and brush at least once before bedtime. Our Pediatric Dentistry will demonstrate how to floss correctly and show you ways that may make it easier for you and your child if they are scared of flossing or brushing their teeth. Recommend eating healthy snacks such as cheese sticks instead of sticky candies like caramel which can stick in between the spaces where there are no bristles on our brushes and cause cavities and decay over time. If it's hard to get them to eat healthier foods, we recommend using a straw when drinking sugary drinks or juices.

North Richland Hills Pediatric Dentistry Texas, always wants patients to be informed about their oral health and have healthy smiles.

Smile Houzz: Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery
8805 N Tarrant Pkwy Suite 200, North Richland Hills, TX 76182
(817) 663-1769